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Breast Asymmetry Sydney

Your complete guide and quick links to everything you want to know about correcting uneven breasts in Sydney! ​

Are Uneven Breasts Normal?

It must be appreciated that no two sides of anyone’s face and body are ever perfectly symmetrical. Although we may wish our two sides to be perfectly identical, they never are, and it’s never possible to make them so.

This fact also applies to the breasts and nipples to a varying degree in everyone. No two breasts are ever mirror images of each other and in some women, they can be very different. 

Whereas minor asymmetry of the breast must be considered natural and normal, when uneven breasts cause concern or self-consciousness for the patient, surgery may recommended to reduce the differences.

The surgical techniques used to correct substantial asymmetry of the breast include breast augmentationbreast lift, breast reduction, and breast reconstruction.

What Is Asymmetry of the Breast?

Minor breast differences in breast size, shape, or position are natural and not a cause for concern. These natural variations can be due to genetics, hormonal changes, or even differences in the ageing process between the two breasts.

In contrast, the term ‘Asymmetry of the Breast’ refers to substantially uneven breasts that are very different in terms of size, shape, position, or any combination thereof.

While minor degrees of asymmetry of the breast are normal and require no treatment, very uneven breasts that cause the patient embarrassment or self-consciousness, might well be considered for surgery to minimise the differences and improve the overall breast appearance.

Various surgical procedures such as breast augmentation, breast reduction, breast lift, and breast reconstruction are techniques used to improve uneven breasts by making them resemble each other more closely.

What Causes Uneven Breasts?

Asymmetry of the Breast has various causes.

It is rarely an indication of an underlying breast cancer, but a sudden appearance of asymmetry can sometimes represent an early warning sign of breast cancer and would therefore warrant immediate investigation.

In most cases, however, asymmetry of the breast does not indicate an underlying disease.

Causes of uneven breasts include:

  • Genetics: Breast size and shape are often influenced by genetics. If other family members have asymmetrical breasts, you might too.
  • Puberty: The breasts at puberty sometimes grow at slightly different rates and remain different in shape and size into adult life.
  • Natural hormonal changes during a woman’s life may cause one or both breasts to change in size or shape e.g. at certain points in the menstrual cycle, at menopause, during pregnancy or breast feeding, or when taking oral contraceptives. Breasts that change size or shape as a result of hormonal influences often return to their former appearance when the hormonal influence ceases to exist.
  • Tubular Breasts, also known as Tuberous Breasts, are breasts that are not round in shape but conical or tube-like. Tubular breasts are the result of breast tissue that did not grow properly during puberty. 
  • Breast feeding: If a newborn happens to prefer one breast over the other during breast feeding, the favoured breast will produce more milk and increase in size. Although the larger breast will often return to its former size, the stretched breast skin can persist and leave the breasts looking asymmetrical.
  • Poland Syndrome: this is a rare birth defect that features an under-developed or missing chest muscle and other abnormalities on one side of the body.
  • Major Chest Trauma can permanently change the size or shape of one or both breasts.

Surgical Techniques For Uneven Breasts

Surgical techniques for uneven breasts always need to be customised to the specific features of the patient’s asymmetry.

Surgical procedures include:

  • Breast Augmentation: Breasts of a different size can be improved by using different implant sizes to allow a closer size approximation between the two breasts.
  • Breast Reduction: Breast reduction surgery will reduce the size of one or both breasts by removing excess skin and breast tissue to deliver a more balanced breast size and appearance.
  • Breast Lift: A breast lift will move the sagging breast upwards to a more aesthetic position on the chest wall. If indicated, a breast implant can be included with the lift if a substantial size difference is also present.
  • Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation: A fat transfer, either alone, or with any of the foregoing techniques is sometimes used to ‘fine tune’ the final result and deliver closer symmetry.
  • Nipple Repositioning: If indicated, the nipples and their surrounding areolas can be moved to a more pleasing aesthetic position on the breast mound.

How Is Surgery For Uneven Breasts Done?

Surgical correction of uneven breasts is performed in a Licensed Hospital under General Anaesthesia administered by a Specialist Anaesthetist. Each procedure is customised to the specific needs of the patient with techniques chosen to best reduce the breast differences.

Most procedures can be performed as day-only cases. After 1-2 hours in Recovery, you can return home. However, you cannot go home alone. You must be escorted by a responsible adult who can also be with you for the first 24-48 hours.

Recovery After Surgery For Uneven Breasts

Naturally, your recovery will depend on which procedure was used to more improve your breast appearance. Our Plastic Surgeon will give you specific post-operative instructions once he/she has determined which procedure is required.

Although every attempt is made to deliver your final result with one surgery, occasionally a second procedure may be recommended to make small adjustments and ‘fine tune’ the result for a better overall final appearance.

Potential Risks & Complications in Breast Asymmetry Surgery

Although surgery and anaesthesia nowadays are considered generally safe, every surgery has potential risks and complications, and with surgery for uneven breasts, these include:

Specific to Surgery for Uneven Breasts:

  • Post-operative bleeding and possible hematoma formation which could require a return to Theatre for drainage.
  • Infection
  • Seroma (fluid collection under the breast skin) requiring one or more aspirations.
  • Residual asymmetry of the breasts or nipples.
  • Numbness or altered sensation of the breast or nipple, usually temporary, rarely permanent.
  • Nipple/Areolar necrosis
  • Skin/Fat necrosis
  • Keloids scars (raised and thickened incision scars) if you are prone to them, or pigmented scars if you have brown or Asian skin.
  • Asymmetry in nipple position and areola size
  • Altered ability to breast feed
  • Damage to nerves or blood vessels
  • Pneumothorax: accidental penetration of the thin chest wall muscles between the ribs allowing air to enter the chest. This would require a short stay in hospital to insert tubes into the chest cavity and drain the air.

Specific to Breast Implants (If Used)

  • Implant complications including Capsular Contracture, Rippling/Wrinkling, Rupture, Deflation, Rotation, Displacement – any of which may require repeat surgery.
  • BIA-ALCL and other rare lymphomas in the capsule surrounding the implant.
  • Stretch marks
  • Synmastia: a confluence of the two breasts across the midline with loss of the normal separation.

General Risks:

  • Allergic reaction to medications, sutures, dressings, or antiseptic solutions.
  • Deep Venous Thrombosis (DVT) and its potential to cause life-threatening Pulmonary Embolism. To reduce the risk of DVT, Calf Massagers can be applied for the entire duration of your surgery to prevent the blood in your leg veins from pooling and clotting.
  • Adverse Reactions to Anaesthesia or Medication: The safety of anaesthesia nowadays in Australia is well established. Nevertheless, potential risks exist with all anaesthesia and unexpected reactions can occur. These may include nausea, vomiting, and allergic reactions ranging from minor to severe. Respiratory failure, heart failure, heart attack and stroke are rare but documented risks of any general anaesthesia.

‘Before and After’ Surgery For Asymmetry of the Breast

Breast Revision Surgery
Breast Revision Surgery
Surgery For Major Asymmetry of the Breast: Deformity Correction + Change of Implants to L. 390cc & R. 445cc
Breast Implant Revision Surgery
Breast Implant Revision Surgery
Surgery For Uneven Breasts: Bilateral Total Capsulectomy for Capsular Contracture + Implant Upsizing from 300cc to 350cc
Breast Implant Revision Surgery
Breast Implant Revision Surgery
Surgery for Uneven Breasts: Repositioning & Change of Implants to 495cc Teardrops
Implant Revision Surgery
Implant Revision Surgery
Surgery for Asymmetry of the Breast: Repositioning of Breast Implants
Breast Revision Surgery
Breast Revision Surgery
Surgery for Uneven Breasts: Breast Lift + Upsizing of Implants from 410cc to 445cc
Breast Implant Revision Surgery
Breast Implant Revision Surgery
Surgery for Asymmetry of the Breast: Revision of Primary Breast Augmentation Result With 545cc Teardrop Implants

The Cost of Surgery for Uneven Breasts in Sydney

  • Breast Asymmetry Surgery
  • Surgical Fee:

    Understandably, the Surgical Fee to correct significant asymmetry of the breast will largely depend on the technique required, whether implants will be used, and the duration of the surgery.

  • As all the cost factors are so variable depending on what needs to be done and its duration, it is impossible to provide even an approximate total cost until our Plastic Surgeon has assessed you and determined what needs to be done and how long it will take.
  • Once our Surgeon has seen you, he/she will provide you with an itemised quotation and total cost once it has been decided what needs to be done, how long it will take, and whether the implants are covered under the Manufacturer’s Warranty.
  • Additional costs will include Hospital Fee, Anaesthetist Fee, Post-operative Garment, and Replacement Implant(s) unless the implants are covered under Warranty.
  • Follow-up appointments for up to 6 months are included.

Can I Claim a Medicare or Private Health Insurance Rebate?

Surgery for Asymmetry of the Breast, regardless of the techniques used, is rarely eligible for a partial Medicare rebate when performed for cosmetic reasons.

Accordingly, without a Medicare Item Number, you will not be able to claim on your Private Health Insurance.

However, if you do meet Medicare’s criteria of eligibility for a rebate, and you also have Private Hospital Cover, you may also be able to claim a variable portion of your Hospital Fees depending on your Fund and Level of Cover.