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Tuberous Breast Correction Sydney

Your complete guide and quick links to everything you want to know about Tuberous Breast Correction in Sydney! ​

What Causes Tuberous Breasts?

Tuberous Breasts is a congenital condition that first makes its appearance in teenage women. It can affect one or both breasts, and can range in severity from mild to severe. Tuberous Breasts can even reduce milk supplies for breast-feeding.

Fortunately, the appearance can be dramatically improved by a variety of surgical techniques.

Tuberous Breasts are also known by a variety of less common names including Hypoplastic Breasts, Constricted Breasts and Tubular Breasts.

Tuberous Breast Correction
Typical Appearance of Tuberous Breasts

The condition arises as a result of a congenital malformation of connective tissue that causes breasts to be typically small and pointed in shape with the following specific features:

  • ‘Puffy’ areolas (the pigmented circles around the nipples).
  • Minimal breast tissue, sometimes with sag.
  • Constricted lower breast poles.
  • A higher-than-normal infra-mammary fold.
  • Wide spacing between the breasts.

How Is The Correction Done?

Tuberous Breast Correction can be achieved by any of several surgical techniques depending on the specific features of each patient’s deformity.

The procedure is performed in a Licensed Hospital under General Anaesthesia and usually takes between 2 and 4 hours depending on whether one or both breasts need correction.

Stay in hospital is not always necessary. If your surgeon does not require you to stay in hospital overnight, you can go home 1-2 hours after your procedure. However, you cannot go home alone. You must be accompanied by a responsible adult and also have someone at home with you during the first 24 hours.

If, however, you need to stay in hospital overnight, you can go home the following day after the doctor has checked you.

Tuberous Breast Correction Surgery

Potential Risks & Complications in Tuberous Breast Correction With Implants

Most corrections proceed smoothly and uneventfully without any of the major or minor complications you are about to read.

However, every surgical procedure has potential risks and complications and with breast augmentation, these include:

Specific to Breast Augmentation:

  • Hematoma of the breast implant pocket which would require a return to Theatre for drainage.
  • Infection of the implant pocket.
  • Raised & thickened incision scars if you are prone to them, or pigmented scars if you have brown or Asian skin.
  • Seroma (fluid collection in the implant pocket) requiring one or more aspirations.
  • Numbness of the breast or nipple.
  • BIA-ALCL and other rare lymphomas in the capsule surrounding the implant.
  • Implant complications including Capsular Contracture Rippling, Rupture, Deflation, Rotation and Displacement – any of which may require repeat surgery.
  • Asymmetry of the breasts or nipples.
  • Stretch marks
  • Synmastia: a confluence of the two breasts across the midline with loss of the normal separation.
  • Pneumothorax: accidental penetration of the thin chest wall muscles between the ribs allowing air to enter the chest and requiring a short stay in hospital to insert tubes into the chest to drain the air.

General Risks:

  • Allergic reaction to medications, sutures, dressings, or antiseptic solutions.
  • Deep Venous Thrombosis (DVT) and its potential to cause life-threatening Pulmonary Embolism. To reduce the risk of DVT, Calf Massagers can be applied for the entire duration of your surgery to prevent the blood in your leg veins from pooling and clotting.
  • Adverse Reactions to Anaesthesia or Medication: The safety of anaesthesia nowadays in Australia is well established. Nevertheless, potential risks exist with all anaesthesia and unexpected reactions can occur. These may include nausea, vomiting, and allergic reactions ranging from minor to severe. Respiratory failure, heart failure, heart attack and stroke are rare but documented risks of any general anaesthesia.

Tuberous Breast Correction 'Before & Afters'

Tuberous Breast Correction Surgery
Tuberous Breast Correction Surgery
6 Months After Tuberous Breast Correction
Tuberous Breast Correction
Tuberous Breast Correction
6 Months After Tuberous Breast Correction
Tuberous Breast Augmentation
Tuberous Breast Augmentation
6 Months After Tuberous Breast Correction
Tuberous Breast Correction
Tuberous Breast Correction
6 Months After Tuberous Breast Correction
Tuberous Breast Correction Surgery
Tuberous Breast Augmentation
6 Months After Tuberous Breast Correction

The Cost of Tuberous Breast Correction in Sydney

  • Tuberous Breast Correction Sydney
  • Surgical Fee: From $9,000 depending on technique required.
  • Additional costs will include Hospital Fee, Anaesthetist Fee & Implants, and Post-Operative Garment.
  • Follow-up appointments up to 6 months are included.

Can I Claim a Medicare or Private Health Insurance Rebate?

Surgical procedures for purely, or primarily, cosmetic reasons are not eligible for a Medicare Rebate.

Unfortunately, only those patients who meet Medicare’s stringent criteria of eligibility are able to qualify for a partial Medicare Rebate.

If you meet those criteria and you also have Private Hospital Cover, you may also be able to claim a variable portion of your Hospital Fees depending on your Fund and Level of Cover.