Breast Revision Surgery Sydney
Your complete guide and quick links to everything you want to know about Breast Revision Surgery in Sydney!
What is Breast Revision Surgery?
Breast Revision Surgery is sometimes requested or required to improve the result of previous breast surgery, or to correct a complication.
Breast Implant Revision Surgery is a delicate procedure requiring a highly qualified and experienced surgeon. At Breast Excellence, we have a team of Specialist Plastic Surgeons and Specialist Breast Surgeons with the skills and experience to solve any problems.
Most of the Revision Breast Surgery procedures we perform arise in women with breast implants. Although most women are able to enjoy the benefits of a well-performed Breast Augmentation for many years, Implant Revision Surgery is sometimes requested or required for various reasons such as the following:
Capsular Contracture
Capsular Contracture occurs when the normally soft fibrous envelope (called the “capsule”) that forms around every implant, contracts like ‘shrink wrap’, and causes the breast to feel firmer than before.
If the capsule continues to shrink, the breast can change in shape as well as feel firm and tender. Although these changes can create the impression that the implant itself has hardened, in actual fact the implant is as soft as it always was. It is only the ‘capsule’ that has contracted and made the implant feel firmer to the touch.
Treatment involves removing the implant along with its shrunken capsule, reshaping the pocket, and then reinserting the same or another implant.
Implant Rupture and Deflation
Rupture of a Silicone Implant or Deflation of a Saline Implant
Silicone Implants: All modern-day silicone implants are filled with a cohesive silicone gel which, in the event of a wall rupture, largely stays within the implant walls and implant pocket. The implant does not deflate as would a leaking saline implant.
Saline Implants: Saline implants can also rupture suddenly or deflate slowly from leaking at their filling valve. In either event, the breast loses its fullness and the escaped saline is simply absorbed by the surrounding tissues without any harmful effects.
A ruptured implant of either type needs to be replaced.
Not uncommonly, some women take this opportunity to replace both implants with a larger size.
Implant Displacement
Movement of An Implant Away from its Original Position; Rotation of a Teardrop Implant
Although an implant will not move far, it can be enough to make the affected breast look misshapen and both breasts asymmetrical. Implant Revision Surgery is required to return the implant to its original position.
Miscellaneous Reasons For Breast Implant Revision Surgery
Even in the absence of a medical complication, some patients ask to exchange their implants for various reasons such as:
- To change breast size (to larger or smaller)
- Pronounced breast asymmetry – even though no two sides of everyone’s face, breasts, and body are ever perfectly symmetrical, significant asymmetry following implant surgery may require revision surgery.
- To change the type of implant (saline ⇌ silicone; teardrop ⇌ round, smooth ⇌ textured)
- Implants older than 10 years – even though some patients leave their implants in for longer, most implant manufacturers recommend a 10-year life for their breast implants.
- A desire to switch to newer, technically more advanced implants.
- As part of a need for a breast lift with implants after pregnancy, weight loss, or ageing.
- Visible Rippling/Wrinkling of an implant.
- A simple desire to permanently remove implants without any replacement.
‘Before and After’ Breast Revision Surgery

The Cost of Breast Revision Surgery in Sydney

Breast Revision Surgery Sydney
- Surgical Fee:
Can only be quoted when our Surgeon has determined what exactly needs to be done.
- Additional costs will include Hospital Fee, Anaesthetist Fee, Post-operative Garment, and Replacement Implant(s) unless the implants are covered under Warranty.
- Our Surgeon will provide you with an itemised quotation and total cost once it has been decided what needs to be done, how long it will take, and whether the implants are covered under the Manufacturer’s Warranty.
- Follow-up appointments for up to 6 months are included.
Can I Claim a Medicare or Private Health Insurance Rebate?
Surgical procedures for purely cosmetic reasons are not eligible for a Medicare Rebate.
Depending on the reason for your Breast Revision Surgery, you may be able to claim a partial Medicare Rebate.
If you do qualify for a Medicare Rebate, and you also have Private Hospital Cover, you may be able to also claim a variable portion of your Hospital Fees depending on your Fund and Level of Cover.