SPECIAL OFFER: All Consultations $175 (Normally $350) Until EOM. T&C’s Apply.

Asian Breast Augmentation

Your complete guide and quick links to everything you want to know! ​

The Potential Benefits of Breast Augmentation

Breast Augmentation, whether performed with high quality Breast Implants or by Fat Transfer, can prove a very rewarding procedure in the following circumstances:

  • Increasing breast size in those with under-developed breasts.
  • Restoring lost breast after pregnancy or weight loss.
  • Breast Reconstruction after Mastectomy.

Having decided to have a Breast Augmentation, your first choice is whether to have it using implants or by Fat Transfer.

If your preference is to increase your breast size by Fat Transfer, open the following link Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation for full information on that procedure.

However, if your preference is for breast implants, bear in mind that there are many choices you will need to carefully consider such as the type, size and shape of breast implants, the surgical technique, and whether the implants should be positioned ‘in front of’ or ‘under the muscle’.

This is why we offer our unique 2-Hour Breast Consultation for all breast surgery procedures involving the use of implants.

We believe that the 2-Hour Breast Augmentation Consultation we provide at Breast Excellence can’t really be appreciated until you’ve had it!

Your Unique 2-Hour Initial Breast Augmentation Consultation

The First Hour

The First Hour of your 2-hour consultation is devoted to giving you all the background information about Breast Augmentation and Breast Implants

This will enable you to decide on the different choices you will need to make. Without all that background information, it would be impossible for any patient to make informed choices on their various options. 

Asian Breast Augmentation Sydney

The Second Hour

The Second Hour of your initial consultation is devoted to designing and customising your individual surgery. During this part of your consultation:

Asian Breast Augmentation



Your doctor will first assess your general medical and breast history to ensure you have no contra-indications to anaesthesia or surgery. 

Asian Breast Surgery



Your Surgeon will then take detailed chest and breast measurements. These will determine which Breast Implants you’ll be able to consider, their placement, and their insertion routes.

Asian Breast Augmentation



You will then be handed various Breast Implants that suit your measurements to insert, one at a time, into a crop-top in front of a mirror. This will help you decide which ‘look’ you like best. We consider this to be a far more reliable way of choosing implants than 3-D Simulation Technology.

Asian Breast Augmentation



Once you have chosen your implants and surgical technique, we will give you a written itemised quotation.

In addition, we’ll give you our detailed ‘Breast Augmentation Information Brochure’ to take home. This means you don’t have to worry about forgetting something covered at the consultation because the booklet will recap all that information and more!

This is how we create ‘beautiful breasts and not just ‘bigger breasts’!

We are never about inserting just any implant that makes your breasts look bigger because anyone can do that!

Instead, our philosophy has always been to make breasts ‘look great, not fake’!

Why Special Considerations Are Important In Asian Breast Augmentation

Breast Implant Surgery for Asian women is a very satisfying procedure for both doctor and patient alike. For the doctor, it provides an opportunity to deliver a dramatic and very satisfying physical change for the patient. And, for the patient it delivers a result that conveys femininity and delivers the ability to finally wear the clothes they’ve always wanted to.

BEFORE & 2 YEARS AFTER Round Silicone Implants ‘Under the Muscle’

Having operated on so many Asian patients over the years, we have come to appreciate that while many Asian women would like to have a Breast Augmentation, many are understandably concerned that:

  • they will end up looking disproportionately too big and therefore ‘fake’; and/or 
  • they may end up with conspicuous brown scars on or under each breast.

The reasons for these concerns among Asian women arise because:

  • Some doctors approach Asian Breast Augmentation in the same way they do for Western women. They do not take into account the generally smaller figures of Asian women and accordingly the need to consider proportionately smaller implants than those commonly used in Western women.
  • Asian skin has a higher risk of healing with pigmented brown scars. Not all do, but it is a higher risk. Ideally, therefore, the surgeon should be able to offer an alternative to the usual infra-mammary approach to locate the final scars away from the breasts. This way, if the scars were to end up pigmented, at least they would not be on or under the breast to mar an otherwise beautiful result.

For the above reasons, we have always maintained that in order to create beautiful, natural-looking breasts in Asian women, the surgeon should pay special attention to both the implant size and the location of the incisions.

BEFORE & 6 MONTHS AFTER Teardrop Silicone Implants, Two Different Sizes To Correct Size Asymmetry
BEFORE & 6 MONTHS AFTER Round Silicone Implants, Armpit Approach (Trans-Axillary)

Implant Size Considerations

When consulting an Asian woman for Breast Augmentation, special consideration needs to be given to implant size. 

The surgeon needs to keep in mind that Asian women generally have more petite figures than do Western women.

Accordingly, it is important to not recommend implant sizes that are too large for an Asian patient’s figure – otherwise her breasts will look disproportionately large, unnatural, and obviously ‘fake’.

Therefore, if an Asian woman is seeking Breast Augmentation to look more attractive and feminine, she needs to choose her implant size carefully.

Essentially, she should aim for implants that are in proportion to her overall figure and don’t make her look disproportionate and obviously ‘fake’! And hopefully, her surgeon is one who appreciates this concept of harmonious proportion, and does not convince her to choose an excessively large implant size that she could end up regretting.

Naturally, the most appropriate implant size for any woman will depend on her overall figure, her existing breast measurements, and how big a cup size she wants.

Nevertheless, the objective of the surgery should still be the same: to deliver a cup size that makes the woman look more attractive and feel more feminine, but not in any way that is disproportionately large, unnatural and obviously ‘fake’!

The Importance of Incision Locations

It’s a fact that when Asian or brown skin is cut, there is a greater risk of the scar ending up permanently pigmented. Not all do, but it is a higher risk.

Some doctors accept this risk of brown scars as an inevitable consequence of Asian Breast Augmentation and persist in always placing the incisions under the breasts where any resulting brown scars could mar an otherwise beautiful result.

In recommending possible incision locations, our surgeon will always take into account your skin colour, previous surgical scar appearances, the shape and size of your chosen implant choices, and your own personal preferences.

Basically, the four available incision locations are as follows:

  • Infra-mammary (in the crease under the breast): This is the most commonly performed approach as it allows full visibility of the breast pocket. Any size or shape of implant can be inserted via this route. However, if a pigmented scar were to develop in this location, it could mar an otherwise beautiful result.
  • Trans-Axillary (via the armpit): In our experience, this approach is the technique most preferred by women who wish to avoid a scar on or under each breast. The incision is placed within a natural skin crease in the hair-bearing area of the armpit. Scars in this location tend to be very fine but remember that, here too, they could end up pigmented – in which case they could be visible if the arms were raised while wearing a sleeveless top. Disadvantages of this approach include:
    1. The small size of the incision limits the size of Silicone Implant that can be inserted to 300cc.
    2. Only Round Implants can be inserted via this route, not Teardrops.
  • Peri-Areolar Approach: The incision is made halfway around the edge of the areola (the circle surrounding the nipple). This also has its drawbacks in that the incision is usually very small. Therefore, only small silicone implants or fillable saline implant of any size, can be inserted via this route. Pigmented scars can develop here too, and there is the additional risk that the surgery could disrupt some of the milk ducts and render any future breastfeeding more difficult or impossible.
  • Trans-Umbilical Approach (via the navel): Not popular or commonly performed in Australia. Apart from its other drawbacks, the main disadvantage of this technique is that only inflatable saline implants can be inserted via this route and in our experience, most women prefer the more natural ‘feel’ of silicone over saline implants. If you prefer silicone implants, this technique is not an option for you.

Ultimately, it is your personal decision as to where you would prefer to locate your incisions. It’s by no means definite that your scars will end up pigmented but you need to at least be aware of the possibility. We give you this information, not to alarm or deter you, but only to make you aware of the possibility so you can then make informed decisions.

Interestingly, and despite all the above explanations, most of our Asian patients still prefer to have the incisions located under the breast for the following reasons:

  • There is no certainty that the surgical scars will end up pigmented.
  • Most patients feel that if brown scars did develop under the breasts, it would not restrict their ability to wear sleeveless tops and swimming costumes which could be the case if they developed brown scars in the armpits.
  • If brown armpit scars did develop, they need to be constantly aware to not raise their arms when wearing a sleeveless top or swimwear.
  • But most importantly of all, they prefer the greater choice of implant type, shape and size that an incision under the breast allows. Through this location, any type, any shape and any size of implant that the patient desires can be inserted.

Summary of Choices in Asian Breast Augmentation

Saline vs Silicone
Smooth vs Textured
Round vs Teardrop

‘In Front of the Muscle’
‘Under the Muscle’
Dual Plane Placement

Infra-mammary (‘under the breast’)
Trans-Axillary (‘armpit approach’)

Watch Our ‘Breast Augmentation’ Animation Video Using Implants

Watch Our ‘Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation’ Animation Video

'Before & After' Asian Breast Augmentation

BEFORE & 4 MONTHS AFTER Teardrop Silicone Implants, 270cc, ‘Under the Muscle’, Incisions under the Breasts
BEFORE & 6 MONTHS AFTER Round Silicone Implants, 280cc, ‘Under the Muscle’, Incisions Under the Breasts

The Cost of Breast Augmentation With Implants in Sydney

  • Breast Augmentation With Implants
  • Surgical Fee $7,700
  • Additional costs include Hospital Fee, Anaesthetist Fee, Implants & Post-Operative Garment.
  • We will provide you with a detailed itemised quotation at the end of your Initial Consultation once your technique and implants have been chosen.
  • Follow-up appointments up to 6 months are included.

The Cost of Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation in Sydney

  • Breast Augmentation by Fat Transfer
  • Surgical Fee: Can only be determined at an Initial Consultation once the amount of Liposuction involved, the amount of Fat Transfer required, and the duration of your procedure, have all been determined.
  • Additional costs include Hospital Fee, Anaesthetist Fee & Post-Operative Compression Garment.
  • We will provide you with a detailed itemised quotation at the end of your Initial Consultation once your technique and implants have been chosen.
  • Follow-up appointments up to 6 months are included.

Can I Claim a Medicare or Private Health Insurance Rebate?

Unfortunately, you cannot claim a Medicare Rebate for a primary Breast Augmentation, nor can you claim on your Private Health Insurance.