Trans-Axillary Breast Augmentation: Before/After Gallery: Before & After Gallery
The main advantage of this technique is the avoidance of any tell-tale scar anywhere on, or under, the breasts.
Instead, the scars are located within a natural skin crease of the armpit.
The technique appeals especially to those women who either do not want, or may feel self-conscious about a scar on, or under, the breast.
It is also an option worth considering for those with brown or Asian skin which carries an increased risk of pigmented brown scars which, if they did develop on or under the breast, would mar the appearance of the final result.
Although fillable Saline Implants of any size can be inserted via this route, the small armpit incision does limit the size of Round Silicone Implants that can be inserted. Unfortunately, Teardrop Silicone Implants cannot be inserted via this route.
Please note that the results displayed in this gallery represent individual outcomes and do not necessarily suggest that other patients will achieve the same or similar results.